
Steve Callhan

Decent Essays

The author, Steve Callahan, has the credibility to talk about the topic of being lost at sea because he was lost at sea. Callahan is actually the main character and the author of the book. The book is based on his 76 days when he was lost at sea and how he survives through it. In the book, it includes thoughts and writings that he did while he was lost, which means that he can’t have a bias. Since Callahan experienced what he wrote about he can’t have a bias towards the topic. Callahan had a lot of Background information before writing the book, so it’s a very accurate and truthful story. 2. The purpose, “Adrift-76 days lost at sea”, is to tell Steven Callahan’s 76 days lost at sea. The book tells about difficulty and perseverance that he faces while he’s lost. Also it shows how hard it is to survive, for example in one part of the book Steve is so desperate he reverts to eating his own vomit. However, it showed that be somewhat prepared can benefit in the end. Since Steve had some background information …show more content…

“Adrift-76 days lost at sea”, written by Steve Callahan, was both inspirational and kept me on the edge on my seat throughout the book. Personally, I have a fear of being lost at sea so when steve encountered several issues I was sure he was a goner. For example, in one part of the book Steve had resulted in eating his own vomit which pousined him. This was really gross and it really showed how desperate Steve was. Thankfully, Steve didn't die of the pousining, but this really showed me showed how hard he was fighting to stay alive. As well as very suspenseful the book was very motivational. Through all the trouble that Steve faced he didn’t give up, whereas I think I would of if I was in his shoes. The book really stuck with me because at the time I was going though a rough patch and was feeling really down; but the book opened my eyes and helped me realize I could have it worse. In conclusion, the book was great suspenseful and motivational

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