
Steve Jobs Changed The World

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“Things don’t have to change the world to be important” (“Steven Paul Jobs”). Steve Jobs, one of the most influential men to ever live on this Earth, believed in things that nobody else did, and he thought differently which led to him becoming successful. Fever few people, almost nobody, throughout Steve’s life believed he would make it far, and he By his way of thinking differently, Steve Jobs’ ideas completely changed the face of technology in the world around us that we know in today’s day, and he is responsible for the rapid and most productive development in the technological world. Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, to Mrs. Joanne Schieble and Mr. Abdulfattah Jandali. Steve Jobs, as a baby, was given up for adoption as an unnamed child that was abandoned by his family. His biological father was a Syrian political science professor teaching, and his biological mother, Joanne Schieble, worked as a speech therapist. He was finally adopted as an infant when Mr. And Mrs. Paul and Clara Jobs took him into their home and family. The couple decided to give their new adopted son the name well known throughout the world today as Steve Jobs. Clara Jobs worked as an accountant, and Paul Jobs was a trained Coast Guard veteran and machinist. Jobs and his father would occasionally world on electronics in the family garage as Steve was growing up. Steve quickly found a strong love and interest for technology at a young age (“Steven Paul

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