
Steve Jobs Star Unfamiliar With Assassin's Creed

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Michael Fassbender Net Worth: ‘Steve Jobs’ Star Unfamiliar with ‘Assassin’s Creed’

Soon after recent successes with Macbeth Michael Fassbender, who is eagerly awaited to return onscreen as Magneto on ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, will team up once more with ‘Inception’ star Marion Cotillard and director Justin Kurzel for ‘Assassin’s Creed’. Oscar-nominated ’12 Years a Slave’ Fassbender will take on the role of both 15-century sword-wielding Aguilar and present-day Callum Lynch from the Ubisoft game.

Yet, despite being both actor and producer for the mega-budget production, Fassbender did not have any inkling of this high-rating video game franchise prior to initial discussions with Ubisoft: “I hadn’t played it before these guys approached me.”


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