
Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s Minority Report

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Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s Minority Report

In the year 2054 crime has become a thing of the past. The relatively new Pre-Crime system allows the government to operate an elite police force, which with the help of three very talented and unique human beings can see into the future and prevent countless crimes, especially murders before they happen. In Philip K. Dicks’s short story, The Minority Report, the world we live in is nearly infallible. With the reduction of violent criminal acts, people can live their lives in peace and prosperity without the fear of the pain and suffering, which usually accompanies violence. Likewise, in director Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie re-creation of Dick’s …show more content…

In both instances, as the story approaches an end point, Anderton realizes that his original vision of the predicament facing him was faulty. The shock and amazement that the individuals who Anderton though were behind an apparent plot to seize his job by framing him for murder, were in fact simply doing their jobs by pursuing him, leads the main character to uncover a plan where other previously benign forces were at play manipulating the situation at hand for their own personal gains. In the final moments of both narrations of the story, the somewhat ironic endings for those involved lead to the proclamation of Anderton’s innocence and the punishment of those really attempting to manipulate the Pre-Crime system for their own use.

Although both Dick’s and Spielberg’s versions of The Minority Report were alike in many general ways, Spielberg’s later interpretation of Dick’s short story did deviate somewhat for its original context. Whereas Dick’s version of the narrative pitted John Anderton, the director of Pre-Crime against other corrupt elements of the government, Spielberg’s version, had Anderton struggle with internal elements within his own organization which were trying to assure a safe future for the Pre-Crime system. Furthermore, in Dick’s story Anderton was actually being framed by an Army General, Kaplan, in an effort to prove that Pre-Crime was faulty, which would

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