
Stigma Of Nike

Decent Essays

The company Nike has been around for almost a half a century. It has had many ups and downs. The down time for this company was very exposed during my childhood. I never really got over all the bad publicity that the company received and because of that stigma, I still choose to not purchase Nike products.
Explain how Nike came to that situation through its expansion strategy.
Many times, greed and the want of fast progress, cloud a company’s judgement. They do not think about all the small aspects it takes to get it. In the case of Nike, the objective was to keep costs of production as low as possible to make a large of as a profit as they could. With globalization on their side, Nike was able to “shop” around and look into using oversea …show more content…

Nike was growing rapidly. Consumers enjoyed the quality of the shoes so much that the company decided to branch off and design sporting goods that would also be produced using oversea manufacturers. There are many positive and negative aspects to their …show more content…

Also, they would not have this stigma to carry around for the rest of their time. I truly have no idea how they were able to pull threw it all and stay on top and in business to this day. Most businesses suffer beyond repair for scandals far less than this. Athletes still support Nike and consumers are still purchasing items. Maybe it is because they were able to address the issue before it became too out of hand? In the days of internet and social media would the outcome have been different? What does this say about human kind to know the conditions that people on other countries have to suffer in, yet we still purchase the products? We still support these greedy corporations. I do not mean just Nike. MANY companies use oversea outsourcing for their products. Any company that supports this should not be supported by

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