
Stigma Of Online Dating

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Internet matchmaking and dating have become a big business because of the negative stigma of online dating decreasing. Society previously viewed online dating as the most obscure way to date and it was seen as the most desperate way to find a companion. But now according to an article found online,the 21 percent of internet users that agreed with the statement “people who use online dating sites are desperate”, has shown an 8point drop from last poll in 2005. In the clip, it was shown that, a thriving dating website, charges their members a $25 dollar monthly fee from over 12 million users. So the quote “...there’s money to be made in love and romance”, speaks volumes. Furthermore, some people think of Internet dating as a Meet Market because you have so many options to choose from. Just like …show more content…

And at a meat market, you know what you are looking for and you have a variety of options. I also want to include the scernio in the clip in which Kate Starlings started off looking for a friend on but she ended up finding love, just like if you were going to the grocery store to pickup biscuits, and you may also leave with orange juice.
In addition to this information, although love and romance can be found on these dating websites in some cases lies and hidden truths can also be identified. The disadvantages of meeting someone online would be that they lie about their age, height, and even their profile picture. It may be easy toile about your height, age or appearance, but the science to this matchmaking is far from easy. A look inside’s matchmaking team and technology an individual can analyze the mathematics and research put into matchmaking. They base their website off of compatibility and also do follow up research which

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