
Stop Googling, Let's Talk

Decent Essays

Mobile phones are one of the phenomenal technological advancement of this generation and have changed the way people interact. You can call, send text messages, read emails, play games as well as read and edit documents on the go. People rely on mobile phones as part and parcel of their lives which they cannot live without.
Today, socialization that involves real interaction is very rare because people have been reduced to interaction on social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Though there is nothing expressly wrong with technological communication, but over-relying on it can be a problem when it is seen as a substitute for face-to-face interaction. It takes away real life activities and can cause a breakdown in relationships. Constantly connecting through mobile devices is prone to disconnecting people from those physically around us. In her article “Stop Googling, Let’s talk”, Sherry Turkle, claims that our generation is suffering from lack of communication …show more content…

Also, sherry’s use of statistical data as evidence “89 percent of cellphone owners” from research done is another powerful strategy aimed at persuading people of all ages to put down their phones and look for solitude, deeper conversations, and develop human interaction. The participants regrettably admit that the use of their cell phones in a social gathering disturbed the conversation.
Despite the fact that human interaction is becoming a thing of the past, Sherry Turkle makes it clear that technology is not the enemy per say but the way it interferes with face-to-face conversation when we are together is the problem. Through the use of statistical evidence, personal experience, and simplified language to assert that addressing the huge gap created by technology in the life is essential so that we can effectively express ourselves and connect with

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