
Stop Online Piracy Act

Decent Essays

The Stop Online Piracy Act died when a massive groundswell of public outcry convinced a number of legislators who previously supported the bill to drop their support (O'Brien, 2012). The death of SOPA could not have come too soon. The bill was ill-conceived, and fundamentally-flawed on a number of different levels. Killing SOPA before it became law was the only logical thing to do. The companies that have come to be known collectively as "Big Content", however, are going to keep trying to dupe Congress into protecting their outmoded business model at the expense of free market capitalism and American values. Already, a new act called CISPA is working its way through Congress, containing many of the same flaws that SOPA contained (Little, 2012). It is time for Americans to stand up to Big Content and its desire to undermine America's spirit of free enterprise, and say "NO" to all of these rights-infringing bills. The first problem with SOPA was in how it was written, and what that means in practice for the Internet. The bill was a broad-based swipe at anything Big Content did not control. The content providers hold copyrights, and it is natural that they want to earn revenue streams from those copyrights. The problem with SOPA is that it circumvented the law in order to enforce those copyrights. Normally, rights violations are addressed through the legal system, whereby rights holders must take action through the courts to prove that their rights had been violated, that

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