
Story Summary: The Bully By Chelsie Hardin

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The Bully
By:Chelsie Hardin
The year was 2090, where everyone who was in school that was a bully, they had to go to jail for six months. They should have to get in trouble because bullying hurts a lot of people in many ways. Some people even take bullying to the extreme and they go commit suicide.Something still didn’t seem right because people were still getting bullied and the bullies didn’t go to jail. If the principal sees you bullying another kid, he will call the police and they will escort you out physically. Tom is a tall, brown-haired boy who likes bullying people. Cindy is a short, blonde hair gtgirl who gets bullied.
It was the first day of school. They were in the sixth grade. They were in mixed classes where they have boys and …show more content…

Lancaster said.
Cindy angrily got up and moved over to where Tom noisily sat. As soon as Cindy sat down, Tom spit right on her cheek. Mrs.Lancaster didn’t even see it, but the rest of the classmates did. She got so angry because he kept spitting, flicking, and spitting spit balls at her. All of the classmates knew that he was doing it.
The day was over like a blink of an eye. At the very last moment, the bell suddenly rang as loud as it could. When Cindy went out to her locker to get her bags, Tom was walking toward the classroom. He was walking very fast to catch up with Cindy to bug her and bully her. Mrs.Lancaster said “Everybody line …show more content…

“I yawned and my eyes started watering,” replied Cindy.
“Oh, Ok I was just coming to check in on you and there are warm cookies in the oven if you want any and I can pour you some milk if you want some,” said Mom.
She then turned around and shut the door. Then Cindy thought in her head, my Mom really bought that idea as in she really thought that, that was why my eyes were red. She dried up all of the redness around her eyes and then went out to get some food. After she got her food, she went back in her room, sat down on her bed, and did her homework. She slowly ate the cookies because she wanted to savor them. She finished her homework at the same time that she finished her five cookies. It was already late, so she hurried up and ate her scrumptious dinner, got in the shower, and went to bed. After she got out of the shower her, Dad was home from work.
He said,“Sorry I couldn’t get home any earlier to help you with your homework or to spend time with you, but goodnight see you tomorrow!”
“It’s okay, we can always spend time together tomorrow” replied Cindy. She finally got in bed and fell sound asleep. The time ticked by

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