
Stown : A Contemporary Piece Of Southern Gothic Literature

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S-Town, as southern gothic literature, started as more of a life story and ended in a lesson learned. As a contemporary piece, we learn that not everybody is as okay as they may seem to be. Depression and southern gothic relate in more ways than you think.
Stown is a contemporary piece of southern gothic literature because of its use of irony, outsiders, and decay.

In the beginning, we learn that John wants to solve a murder with the help of Brian Reed. But little did Brian know, ironically, he wouldn’t be solving a murder, he’d be solving a suicide. “John B. killed himself Monday night.” -Skylar, 3. John seemed like a happy, content, human being. His problems seemed as small as anyone else’s. Although he tried to make it known that he was not okay mentally, no one was really convinced he’d someday go through with a suicide. “This is what it was like to talk about suicide with John. He was so cavalier about it. He'd dismiss your concern, laugh it off, and try to change the subject.” -Brian Reed, 4. With the podcast being so dark and twisted, this podcast is considered a contemporary piece of southern gothic literature. The struggle with depression and being an outsider is that most of the time it goes unnoticed. People go about their days assuming everyone is fine without thinking of anything like another person could be going through. Depression is “feelings of severe despondency and dejection”. People with depression

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