
The Expansion Of Interest Groups

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The emergence of interest groups in the European Union weakened the union’s overall power ; however, many politicians collaborate with them to gain an advantage. It is important to remember that interest groups are private firms, who can allocate their resources to provide studies for political actors. Interest groups provide “policymaking expertise, and implementation and monitoring capacity, the potential for a consolidated collective viewpoint, and the potential to enhance legitimacy “(Bache, Bulmer, George, Parker 2014, 310). With the acquired data, political actors can push forward stronger legislations built on concrete data. Interest groups pivotal role in the EU because they can use their resources to influence decision making in …show more content…

Consequently, interest groups resemble a double –edged sword to the EU because although they can provide resources and information to public institutions, usually the largest groups will have the most influence. Moreover, the amount of resources available “will secure ‘insider status’ with the policy makers or remain outside the policy process. (Bache ,Bulmer, George, Parker 2014, 315). The firms who control insider status will indirectly possess some control about the policies discussed in the EU. However, large firms also carry a substantial amount of influence because of their economic power. For example, politicians will find their hands tied if they decide to rule against one of the largest job suppliers in a country despite huge strikes against them. As the author states, “large firms find it easy to become privileged interlocutors of the political administrative system, thanks to their economic importance. “ (Bache ,Bulmer, George, Parker 2014, 316). The wealth and resources possessed by large firms make interest group politics a process where the strongest stay on top and dominate conversations. Therefore, although in the last decade’s interest groups have advocated for positive social, environmental, and economic changes, their role is contested against business interest. Clearly, interest groups’ in the EU is ultimately very circumstantial because they can advocate anything from same-sex marriages to fewer taxes on the rich. The

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