
Strayer World History Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Chapter Outline

The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter.

Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Return to skim any sections that seem unfamiliar.
I. Opening Vignette
A. By the start of the twenty-first century, Islam had acquired a significant presence in the United States . 1. more than 1,200 mosques 2. about 8 million Muslims (some 2 million are African Americans)
B. The second half of the twentieth century saw the growing international influence of Islam.
C. Islam had already been prominent in the world between 600 and 1600. 1. encompassed parts of Africa, Europe, Middle …show more content…

The Making of an Arab Empire
A. The Arab state grew to include all or part of Egyptian, Roman/Byzantine, Persian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations. 1. many both in and out of Arab Empire converted to Islam 2. Arabic culture and language spread widely 3. Islam became a new third-wave civilization
B. War and Conquest 1. Arabic conquests were a continuation of long-term raiding pattern 2. new level of political organization allowed greater mobilization 3. Byzantine and Persian empires were weakened by long wars and internal revolts 4. limits of Arab expansion: a. defeated Sassanid Empire in the 650s, took half of Byzantium b. in early 700s, conquered most of Spain , attacked France c. to the east, reached the Indus River d. in 751, Arabs crushed a Chinese army at the Battle of Talas River 5. reasons for expansion: a. economic: capture trade routes and agricultural regions b. individual Arabs sought wealth and social promotion c. communal: conquest helped hold the umma together d. religious: bring righteous government to the conquered 6. conquest was not too destructive a. Arab soldiers were restricted to garrison towns b. local elites and bureaucracies were incorporated into empire
C. Conversion to Islam 1. initial conversion for many was “social conversion,” not deep

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