Chapter 11: Chapter Outline
The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter.
Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Return to skim any sections that seem unfamiliar.
I. Opening Vignette
A. By the start of the twenty-first century, Islam had acquired a significant presence in the United States . 1. more than 1,200 mosques 2. about 8 million Muslims (some 2 million are African Americans)
B. The second half of the twentieth century saw the growing international influence of Islam.
C. Islam had already been prominent in the world between 600 and 1600. 1. encompassed parts of Africa, Europe, Middle
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The Making of an Arab Empire
A. The Arab state grew to include all or part of Egyptian, Roman/Byzantine, Persian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations. 1. many both in and out of Arab Empire converted to Islam 2. Arabic culture and language spread widely 3. Islam became a new third-wave civilization
B. War and Conquest 1. Arabic conquests were a continuation of long-term raiding pattern 2. new level of political organization allowed greater mobilization 3. Byzantine and Persian empires were weakened by long wars and internal revolts 4. limits of Arab expansion: a. defeated Sassanid Empire in the 650s, took half of Byzantium b. in early 700s, conquered most of Spain , attacked France c. to the east, reached the Indus River d. in 751, Arabs crushed a Chinese army at the Battle of Talas River 5. reasons for expansion: a. economic: capture trade routes and agricultural regions b. individual Arabs sought wealth and social promotion c. communal: conquest helped hold the umma together d. religious: bring righteous government to the conquered 6. conquest was not too destructive a. Arab soldiers were restricted to garrison towns b. local elites and bureaucracies were incorporated into empire
C. Conversion to Islam 1. initial conversion for many was “social conversion,” not deep
Chapter three labeled "Empire Urban life and imperial Majesty in Rome,China,and India. In Republican Rome a man named Romulus inaugurated traditional distinction between the patricians and the plebian. The patricians were the where the land owners who were also aristocrats that served as priests, magistrates, lawyers and/or judges. The plebian were the lower classed poor people who consisted of craftsmen, merchants and laborers. In 510 BCE the roman people expelled the last Etruscan kings and decided to rule themselves with without the need for a monarchy.
*If you go through each item on this study guide and read about it on the REFerenced page and corresponding TOPic in your text, you should have an excellent study guide for the Final Exam. If you do not do this, you will likely fail this exam miserably!
-Rome accepted inequality as well as institutionalizing and turning it into a system of mutual benefits.
Part 2—Use these topics to guide your annotations. Your annotations should be written into the book or completed on post-its in the book.
The early Islamic empire expanded by the Islamic people, conquering lands. According to document c they established a system of payments to the Islamic warriors; therefore, I believe that because the Islamic warriors were paid this made them work harder. It was this that caused the Islamic empire to expand. Another reason why I believe the Islamic empire expanded was because the Islamic people left the churches alone and it clearly stated in document b that
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PACING Pacing Guidance for Unit 3: Rise of Islam: 8 days Oct. 7th – Nov. 1st Days DC Power Content Standard Notes 1-5 9.1.3: Trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, including the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, including Islamic teachings on its connection with Judaism and Christianity Teachers will design and implement their own instructional strategies to support student learning about the origins of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The teachings of Muhammad and Islam and their connection with Judaism and Christianity is addressed by the Cornerstone. 6-8 9.1.2: Describe the expansion of Muslim rule through military conquests and treaties, emphasizing the cultural blending
Post these responses directly in your private student journal. Your assignment is due Wednesday, April 10th. Then a forum will open for each of these assignment questions. Please write two-to-three paragraphs per question.
Once you have read the textbook chapter and the Reading, answer discussion questions 1, 3- 5 (ignore questions 2 and 6).
Islam is growing more popular by the year and is the second most practiced religion in the world, behind Christianity. One of the most heavily influenced places is Northern Africa. Northern Africa is the home of the second most concentrated population of Muslims in the world, following the Middle East.