
Strengths And Weaknesses That Are Essential In A Counselling Development

Satisfactory Essays

In his research Rogers identified six elements which are necessary in a counselling relationship for therapeutic change or growth to occur. Three of these elements are closely associated with the personal qualities which the counsellor brings to their relationship with clients. These are now famously referred to as the core conditions. The first of these core conditions is empathy, which has been described as the ability to feel what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes, and is very different from sympathy, as this touching animation explains. The second condition is referred to as Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR) and it is perhaps closely related to unconditional love. UPR is connected to the counsellor’s ability to stay firmly alongside their client …show more content…


1. It relies on creative efforts
The client in relation to the therapist uses the links and connections aided through psychotherapy and counseling in finding out new and creative solutions to otherwise seemingly closed ended problems.

2. It has respect for the issues of client in context
The emotional and psycho-social issues of client are addressed in a way suited to context of the problem. As this approach believes in problem in relation to context.

3. It helps the client to find own ways to solve a problem by linking the emotional barriers and issues
The client is able to track the trajectory from past to present and how various down links are connected and where are the actual issues.

4. It is more caring and supportive
This approach is social in nature and cares for the client in a comprehensive and thorough manner instead of tracking spots and blaming singular behaviors.

5. It has more social responsibility
Gestalt also is a more socially responsible approach as it helps the therapist to aid the treatment of client on a bigger level with motives to improve the overall life and its interests.


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