
Streptoccus Pathogens In Bacteria

Decent Essays

Bacteria is found all over the world, from the depths of the ocean to the highest reaches of space. These microscopic organisms have not only created the world we live in, they have shaped our everyday lives more than we may know. Scientists continue to fight harmful bacteria on a daily basis, ever since Dr. Jenner developed and published the first successful vaccine, the search to cure disease has never stopped. As bacteria grows more unyielding to the current methods of deterring infection, we must continue to pursue new methods. One pathogenic bacteria that has been an issue to control is streptococcus. Streptococcus infections are among the many infections that still plague the public, and contemporary medicine is still at battle …show more content…

As antibiotics have created, the bacteria are becoming more resistant, and new strains of the bacteria continue to be discovered. While various types of Streptococci are found within the human microbial flora, Streptococcus pneumonia is a viral pathogen generally transmitted from one host to the other in the form of aerosol droplets. While Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria causes pneumonia, it also causes other illnesses including ear infections, sinus infections, meningitis, and even bacteremia (Disease, n.d.). Bacteria has the ability to strike when a host is at its most vulnerable, this term is why certain pathogens are labeled, opportunistic pathogens. Possessing the ability to not only attach to a host, but wait to infect the host at a very calculated moment and time.
How Cells Fight Back
Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in an organism, it is made up of both catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is the process of breaking down complex molecules to gather and store their energy, while anabolism builds and created complex molecules. Both catabolism and anabolism are dependent upon the other, the process of breaking down and building up molecules is what drives metabolism to occur within our cells (Metabolism, 2016). Within the human cells, metabolism is constantly at work, creating and using energy.
The biochemical process at work is the cause of mitochondrion, a membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of

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