
Stress Reflection

Decent Essays

Nearing the end of the program, I felt myself begin to struggle. I found the struggle to be stress related from midterms, a trip home -one that I was more than ready for- and the stress of not having a job. While I did my best to not let this stress show, one mom still picked up on it. I learned that she is an advisor at Oakland in the business school. Though she was not working that day, her instincts kicked in and she wasted no time in reassuring me. I rather enjoyed the small talk that we had, because she opened my eyes to a few ideas of how to cope with my stress. She also told me not to worry about the job because one would find me when I was ready for it. In the last week of the program, following a much-deserved trip home I learned some other news that put me at ease. One of the moms I had spent time with while in the program was a graduate from my high school. She told me that she knew my family and graduated with my aunt. This gave me a comforting feeling, because I had finally met someone in the area near Oakland that I could connect with on a deeper level. She was my little slice of home in Lake Orion. At the end of the month, the library celebrated Halloween in fashion. All of the staff, including the volunteers there that day, dressed up and prepared for the kids who were coming in to go trick-or-treating. I was overjoyed to be a part of this wonderful holiday, who doesn’t love dressing up. I took this chance to show off my nerdy-ness and dressed as Princess

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