
Stress Response Sapolsky

Decent Essays

“This video is about Robert Sapolsky explaining the psychology of stress. Sapolsky talks about how homeostasis means being in a homeostatic balance, meaning that your body temperate is regulated ideally to how it should be comfortably or how your glucose levels in the blood stream are ideally regulated to how it should be. Sapolsky also talks about how we humans have to understand as well as to expand homeostasis/homeostatic balance to a whole new level critically than if we were just a lion and a zebra. This is because, Sapolsky talks about how sometimes we humans can turn on the stress response due to a change in the homeostatic balance or how we humans can turn on the stress response because we feel like we are about to be stressed. Sapolsky …show more content…

In my opinion, I honestly enjoyed watching this brief video and thought it was extremely interesting as well. Honestly, I never really thought about homeostasis/ homeostatic balance on the level that Robert Sapolsky was explaining within the video. In regards to “turning on the stress responses, purely because of psychological reasons and how we turn it on from memories, emotions as well as thoughts and how this is not how it was evolved for” (Robert Sapolsky Video). I believe this is true. For example would be: An individual is riding an evaluator when all a sudden it stops working because of a malfunction that the evaluator is having. The individual immediately turns on the stress response and begins to feel really uncomfortable because of this situation. Eventually, the individual is rescued and the evaluator is fixed. Now fast-forwarding, that same individual rides in another evaluator. That individual could in-fact turn on the stress response even if the evaluator works normally as it should with nothing stressful to occur. This is because the individual could be uncomfortable with riding an evaluator due to his past experience with evaluators in the past or even how he may feel about evaluators in …show more content…

They also rate uplifts, such as completing a task, being complimented or laughing at a joke” (Chapter 14, pg. 505). In my opinion, there are many ways I deal with stress. Completing a task or doing well in College helps me deal with stress. Activities such as; reading, writing, painting or drawing also helps me deal with stress. As well as watching movies helps me deal with stress. Having a good support system around me helps me deal with stress. My family, my fiancé’ as well as close friends of mine all help me feel better when I am dealing with stress. Lastly, trying to stay positive even in a stressful time also helps me when dealing with

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