
Stretching Research Paper

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Excessive duration of sitting down can cause body aches, create stiff muscles, changes in mental health, and can cause Musculoskeletal Disorder disease. Creating a sense of motion in the muscles can prevent/relieve these symptoms and even reduce stress. Stretching is the straightening or extending from the body or a specific part of the body to its full length. This activity has been proven to help alleviate symptoms of the health concerns listed above by increasing blood supply and nutrients to joint structures and soft tissues and reducing stress/fatigue. The benefits of stretching are multitudinous.
Benefits of Stretching:
· Stretching increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures/soft tissues.
· Stretching reduces fatigue
· Stretching improves muscle coordination
· Stretching increases …show more content…

Repeat for other shoulder.

Shoulder Shrug
Simply raise both shoulders up towards the ears, hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat as wanted.

Neck Flexion/ Neck Extension
Sit up straight and let your chin fall forward towards your chest. Relax your shoulders and keep your hands by your side.

Sit up straight and let your chin fall backwards towards the ceiling. Relax your shoulders and keep your hands by your side.

Ear to shoulder Stretch
Slowly bend your head to the right side and try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Do not lift your shoulder up during the stretch. Hold for a count of five then return your head to the center position. Repeat the stretch on the left side.

Wrist/Forearm Stretch
With a straight elbow and palm facing upwards pull and downwards to stretch the front of your forearm and wrist. Then turn the hand over so that your palm is facing downwards and pull the hand downwards to stretch the back of your forearm and wrist. Repeat for other arm.

Wrist Circles
Rotate your wrist in circles inwards 10x then outwards 10x all in a circular

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