
Stricter Gun Control Laws

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Does stricter gun control laws equal less violence and death rates in America?

“Gun control (or firearms regulation) is the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians (Wikipedia).” Some presume that this means banning guns. In actuality, gun control only acts to protect citizens through enforcing the appropriate use of firearms; it does not ban the weapon. By implementing stricter gun laws and regulations, there would be a large decrease in death rates and help prevent violence in America.

For instance, the United States Constitution Second Amendment declares that everyone has the “right to bear arms”. The United States Constitution was written with the intention of securing all U.S. citizens’ basic rights. Its purpose is to outline the laws of this country by mandating the powers of the people and what the United States government considers acceptable. Despite this, people feel the introduction of stricter gun control laws would deny them their sense of safety by violating their right to defend themselves by the law of the Second Amendment. By allowing everyone-including criminals- the ability to gain ownership of a weapon, it increases violence and death rates in America. Therefore, stricter gun control laws and regulations should be implemented.

Furthermore, many people feel that guns are not causing the problems, people that are using these weapons are. This is partially

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