There are many different sociological theories that explain the way society works and how social problems are caused. Four main sociological theories describing social problems are the structural-functional theory, the symbolic-interaction theory, the feminist theory, and the social-conflict theory. All of these different theories have both similarities and differences in explaining the way society functions. The structural-functional theory was very common throughout history and still is today. This theory states that society functions through all of the different parts of society working together. There are certain theories within the structural functional theory that help explain how it works. The social pathology theory states that social …show more content…
Through the social pathology theory of the structural-functional approach, poverty is considered a social problem by stating that those who are in poverty are poor because of bad life choices they have made for themselves. They believe that those in poverty do not try hard enough to be successful, and therefore cannot be a functional part of society. They believe that social problems arise because not all members of a society are doing their part to make society work. Through the symbolic-interaction theory, one way poverty is caused is because children who grow up in a family that is poor, will likely have a hard time getting out of poverty themselves. They will learn and pick up attitudes from their family members and those around them, which will continue as they get older. If their mother and father both didn’t have the opportunity for a good education or a job, that child will likely not value education or a well-paid job either. Social problems can be caused from learning behaviors and attitudes from interactions with others. The feminist theory explains the problem of poverty because of the inequality between men and women. Women are less likely than men to get successful jobs, and if they do they are still paid a significant amount less. Women don’t have the same opportunities men have to make a successful life for themselves, and are more likely to be single moms taking care of their children, than single fathers. This can lead to poverty because women don’t make enough to be able to support themselves and their families “In recent decades, an increasing share of the poor is made up of women (especially single women) and their children” (Macionis 2018: 1.3). The social-conflict theory describes poverty as a result of inequality between different social classes. Most times people in our society see those in poverty and believe they did it to
Sociologists for centuries have debated the structure by which society evolves. Theories are tested to explain the changes by which society operates. Structural functionalism and conflict theory are the main viewpoints sociologists use to evaluate the changes in the habits of society. Mass incarceration is an example of social phenomenon. Mass incarceration can be viewed as a structural functionalism or a conflict theory. I believe the influences that have created today’s society are dependent on the view of the individual and decisions and actions they take.
Two Works Cited Victoria Bissell Brown's introduction to Twenty Years at Hull-House explains the life of Jane Addams and her commitment to insight social change to problems that existed during the turn of the 20th century. As a reaction to the hardships of a changing industrial society, Addams decided to establish a settlement house in the West side of Chicago to help individuals who had suffered from the cruelties of industrialization. Rejecting the philosophies that stemmed from the Gilded Age, such as social Darwinism and the belief that human affairs were determined by natural law, Addams was a progressive who wanted government to be more responsive to the people.
A sociological imagination is the idea of how a personal experience can affect society as a whole. At some point a personal issue becomes a public issue. Conflict theory is the idea of competition over limited resources such as money. The theory is about domination and power rather than peace and cooperation. Those with power and wealth try to maintain that position by suppressing those without. The United States poverty is most easily explained by the conflict theory because in the US, the wealthy stay wealthy and the poor stay poor due to suppression.
Poverty is not easily defined, because it plays out in many different ways. To be in poverty, one is generally making at most three times the amount of money they would need to sustain themselves and their family members living a minimalist lifestyle. These families tend to eat cheaper food, use public transport, have less access to good educational institutions, are exposed to harmful environments, and have less access to healthcare, among many other things. Through the lenses of conflict theory and functionalism, one can begin to understand why poverty so affects many aspects many people’s lives in ways that carry them through adulthood, and sometimes pervades later generations of their families.
One of the strengths of Functional-structural perspective is positive about society. The theorists believe that the family
What are the three major sociology perspectives in regards to social issues? They are Symbolic Interactionism perspectives, Functionalism perspectives, and Conflict Theory perspectives. These perspectives offer sociologists abstract examples for explaining how society affects people, and vice versa. Each perspective individually theorizes society, social forces, and human behavior.
Sociological Perspectives and Theories Sociologists try to explain how society orders itself but there are many different theories for this, which often conflict with one another. Some of these classic theories include Marxism, Functionalism, and Interactionism. There are also more modern or contemporary theories such as Feminism. Each sociological perspective has different beliefs.
One sociological perspective is the Functionalist theory. Functionalism is one of the earliest sociological theories. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) was a professor and was interested in how society was possible and how society remains stable. This theory focuses on the macro-level of social structure rather than micro-level of everyday life. Functionalism sees society in parts which form a system, the parts depend on each other. Functionalist theory looks at the parts of society such as
Identify the four major sociological theoretical paradigms. For each, what are the key tenets? How does each explain how society works?
The structural-functionalist perspective states that “poverty results from institutional breakdown” (Mooney et al. 176). People in today’s society do not have the skills or education needed for employment. The majority of those living in poverty are people who are willing to do the “dirty work” than those not living in poverty. It can be assumed that those living in low income homes are the one who are going to do the hard labor such as being a maid, gardener, janitor, etc., when it comes to being in the workforce. They are the people that are willing to do these jobs just to make ends meet. Many living in poverty are also single parents. “A third of all families headed by a single woman were in poverty last year” (Gongloff). Another issue is the unequal pay in the workplace today. There are many factors that come in to
The functionalism theory is also known as structural functionalism and lays claim on the fact that the society is composed of interdependent portions each of which adds to the functioning of the whole society. Functionalists break
“The reasons poverty rates remain high despite the [economic] recovery has to do with wage decline and failure of the “safety net” i.e, the government systems of taxes and transfers designed
Conflict theory simply means that more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with less power and the money is the mechanism which creates social disorder. Yesterday, I read a news about how so many kids are dying due to malnutrition in Yemen. I read some comments to see what people are thinking and what can be done about it? One comment said “if they cannot feed their kids they should stop having children and the problem will be solved”. Really, is that a solution, is it moms fault that their kids are hungry in a world that there is enough food for the entire population yet most people are hungry. She does not get hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. What that person who made the comment and many others who have the same perspective do not know is that inequality perpetuated because it benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and “capitalism is the core of inequality and suffering” (lecture). And as you said in the lecture notes many people cannot see “how capitalistic system shapes all of society” that and blames the individuals for the suffering as in the example that I gave above. I also believe many of us know the consequences of capitalism but still continue to blame the individuals rather than taking an action, be an ally or rather than supporting those who suffer at least by making a supportive comment on the social media.
Structural Functionalism aims to understand society in an objective way. It views society as an entity that is “objectively real”. It emphasizes the unity of society, and how individuals perform roles and how these roles are vital in meeting the needs of the collective whole. For instance, because every society has stratification, stratification must have certain functions and these functions can contribute to the survival of the social system as a whole. Furthermore, structural
Two dominant theories of social problems grew out of the structural-functionalist perspective: social pathology and social disorganization.