
Structural Functionalism And Functional Theory Essay

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Structural Functionalism (SF) theory often referred to as Structural Function Theory or Functional Theory, no matter what name is used, the main context of the theory remains the same. There are many existent interpretations of the theory, however according to Smith and Hamon (2012) SF theory is based on two basic assumptions agreed by all: (a) “the functions of families is to procreate and socialize children” and (b) “all systems have functions” (p. 44). Additionally, they further elaborate on functional aspects of the family via the following five patters developed by Talcott Parsons, a leading American functionalism thinker, as indicated by Smith and Hamon: (a) Ascription/Achievement, (b) Diffuseness/Specificity, (c) Particularism/Universalism, (d) Affectivity/Affective Neutrality, and (e) Collectivity/ Self. Each of the above patters takes on instrumental and expressive characteristics associated with gender roles. The structure and function of family can be compared to the functions of the human body where each organ plays a significant role to maintain equilibrium (p.42-43). For the purpose of this theoretical memo structural and functional concepts of SF theory will be discussed as related to the Galager family case study.
Structural Concept
The notion of structure in the SF theory refers to the individuals, or members that make up a family in the context of a particular society (Smith & Hamon, 2012). According to the survey conducted by George Murdock, in which 250

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