
Structure Of The Parthenon Frieze

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Parthenon Frieze presentation write-up
The Parthenon Frieze is the inner most decorative piece on the outside ceiling of the Parthenon. Its construction finished in 447BC and it was built by Phidias on the orders of Pericles. (1) The Frieze today is situated in multiple museums around Europe. The majority of the Frieze is located in the British Museum where the 80m’s of Frieze has its own room in the Duveen Gallery that was built to replicate the position from where it was taken from on the Parthenon in Athens. In 1938 Duveen and his associates undertook a cleaning process on the marbles using copper tools and carborundum which damaged the marble but gave it a whiter, more authentic classical look, due to the decolouration which had happened to it. When this came to the attention of the public years later, it caused outrage as the directors had chosen to do nothing about it. (2) The second largest collection of the Frieze is in the Acropolis museum in Athens with smaller parts in museums around Europe such as Paris. (3)
The Frieze was taken from the Parthenon between 1801 and 1812 by Thomas Bruce the Earl of Elgin after he was granted permission to take them by the Ottoman Empire. He later sold them to the British Government in 1816 where it was moved to the British Museum in 1832. The Frieze was shipped in two stages with the first set going in 1803 in 200 boxes with the second shipment in 1809. The transportation of the marbles took so long as Elgin was imprisoned on the Spanish border at Pau for three years. The entire removal process of the marbles taken from the Parthenon cost Elgin £74,000. (4)
The traditional view of the Parthenon Frieze, based off the work of James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, is that it depicts the panathenaic procession which occurred every four years and was part of the Panathenaea festival to commemorate the birth of Athena. This view is based off of the seeming procession and sacrificial animals included in it as well as the Greek gods either side of the giving of the Peplos where a statue of Athena would be draped with a shroud. (5) However we believed the Frieze depicted a different story as there were several inconsistencies with the depiction of the giving of the Peplos. For

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