
Rome Vs Parthenon Research Paper

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Architecturally, societally and religiously, the Parthenon of Athens and the Pantheon of Rome share many similarities and some important differences. Fortunately, these wonders of the ancient world have survived to give us some idea of their construction and use.

The Parthanon was constructed in Athens in the middle of the 5th century B.C. The Greeks had just come up victorious against their arch-rivals the Persians. Greeks of that time firmly believed in the control over their lives as free citizen, they also thought that the Gods had great influence over the existence of men. The leaders of Athens found it wholly appropriate to build a great temple dedicated to Athena, the patron saint of Athens. They did this as thanks for victory, and continued good fortune, as the Gods could be capricious if not curry-favored. …show more content…

The rectangular structure covers over 23000 square feet. Builders made complex adjustments geometrically to make the structure appear perfectly straight from all vantage points.[1] A temple of this magnitude reinforced the idea, and the realty, that Athens was the predominant city state of that period. Religion was much more personally and societally institutionalized. Completely circling the cella , the inner chamber, is the Parthenon frieze. Sculpted of marble in low relief, a majority of the frieze is devoted to a depiction of the great procession held each year on Athena's birthday.[2] This great parade made it's way through Athens and ended at the Parthenon. Animal sacrifices were then made, and then ceremony or services were presided over by priests. Every four years a great celebration was held, the Greater Panathenaia. Athletic games, military competition and art and poetry competitions were held. But the procession and the Parthenon remained first and fore

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