
Student Attack Rules

Decent Essays

In the classroom would be setup as a place where students will not be attacked for their ideas. This will begin by first establishing the rules at the start of the school year. Setting up an agreement with students that they can joke around sometimes, and that overall the classroom will have a relaxing, and laid back atmosphere. However the one main rule that I would establish early on with students is attacking a student personally. As an example if the students were taking part in a debate, challenging another students ideas in a debate is fine as that is what debate is for. However what would be told to the student’s early one is attacking a student either personally, or attacking a student for their personal beliefs. One of the most important …show more content…

Students are also not to laugh or make fun of another student if they get an answer wrong, or simply forget the answer when they raise their hands. For many students answering questions in class can be a nervous experience. Students put what they think is the right answer out there, and if they get ridicule they may not want to speak as easily. This is also true in my unit plan. In my unit plan near the end of the unit will do a debate between the Patriots, and the Loyalists. Rules will be established the day of the debate that students are to challenge the ideas of the other side, but are not to resort to name calling, swearing, racial terms etc. Among the list of items on page 14 the one that stands out to me the most is student centered learning. Student centered learning would be a big part of the classroom as I feel students learn best in their own personal experiences, and through helping others. Students would gain their own experiences in the classroom by interpreting various events, or documents throughout history into their own words. For instance in my unit plans on the unit over the Declaration of Independence students are split into groups, and come up with their own version of the Declaration of Independence with the teachers assistance. Learning like this gives students their own interpretation of the events, and allows students to learn from not only their group, but the other groups as

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