
Student Council Research Paper

Decent Essays

My Personal Essay for Student Council

I would like to apply to be a member of the Student Council Executive Board. The board has many attributes that interest me such as leadership, community service, and planning student activities. If I was put on the Executive Board I would be able to help by giving creative ideas, setting a good role model, and helping with any community service. I know about the projects that Student Council already does such as the blood drive and the Thanksgiving baskets, but I have some of my own ideas that I would be willing to suggest on the Executive Board. Next year I hope to participate in the Math Team, theatre, Link Crew, National Honor Society, A Capella and New Score Singers. I am now holding a job at Arby’s which I believe shows my responsibility. This coming year I hope to be apart of the executive board, because I have been a seminar representative for the past two years. Outside of school I participated in Boy Scouts of America. I was the patrol leader of my troop, which consists of being a helper to the Senior Patrol Leader and making sure my patrol keeps on track. With my previous activities I have good time management and leadership skills. These skills are all useful …show more content…

Every year my troop participates in the cardboard campout in the walmart parking lot. This project collects donated food for the community cafe. We also do Scouting for food where we go door to door and ask for people to donate food then two weeks we return to collect the food. I have also helped with National Honor Society doing community service such as working at the community cafe and helping around town. I’ve also helped with the community service project that our thespian troupe led. I’m hoping that being in the Student Council Executive Board allows for new chances to community services, and I hope to participate in the blood drive and Thanksgiving

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