
Student Interview Essay

Decent Essays

In my student interview, the students mentioned that they dislike when teachers become too grade-focused. For this reason, every assignment does not need to be graded, but every assignment should be a learning experience. The teacher should look at every assignment and provide feedback or have students provide each other feedback no matter if the assignment is going in the gradebook. Students should not feel like they are completing an assignment for no reason. Teachers should not just assign busy work, but create beneficial assignments that add to the student’s understanding of the concept and prepare students for their futures. A Literary “classics” should be given more time and attention in English classes than contemporary young-adult …show more content…

The very terms “teaching” and “English” are controversial just by themselves. “Teaching” is a very intimate word. Everyone (principals, parents, students, politicians) has different definitions about what teaching is and what teaching should produce. Every teacher has their own learning philosophy based off of their readings, observations, and thoughts that each teacher has put into their profession. However, from talking to my observation teacher and other teachers, there’s not enough reading or observations that prepares you for your first year of teaching. Additionally, if the word “Teaching” is not controversial, the word “English” is. There are questions about what constitutes as English? What should English teachers teach? Should English class be called English class? This is just the beginning of the list. Consequently, teaching English is complicated because there are innumerable amounts of literature and there is always a new book out there. Words are always being added to the dictionary and the English Language is always changing. Not only is English hard to teach because it is very fluid, but there is so much testing to adhere to like the English HSAs. Additionally, children’s English preparation is in your hands. It is truly a lot of pressure to teach, but especially teaching English. Student’s preparation or lack of preparation in English is often the most evident on resumes, job applications, and professional

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