
Subsistence Strategies In Ancient Maya

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Subsistence strategies are patterns of production, distribution, and consumption that members of a society employ to ensure the satisfaction of the basic material survival needs of humans. There are many forms these strategies can take. These groups fall into two main categories, food collectors and food producers. Food collectors are those who gather, hunt, or fish for food. Examples of this would be pastoralism, and horticulture. An example of pastoralism can be seen in the savannas, pastoralists and their animals gather when rain water is abundant and the pasture is rich, then scatter during the drying of the savanna. Horticulture can be seen in ancient Mayan culture, in the cornfields, multiple crops were grown such as beans (using cornstalks as supports), squash, pumpkins and chili peppers. Food producers on the other …show more content…

Examples of food producers would be foraging and agriculture. An example of a modern foraging culture is the Ache people of Paraguay. The men spend their time hunting for game. The women follow behind, gathering resources such as fruits, palm starch, and larvae. Agriculture has three different types of cultivation, extensive, intensive, and mechanized industrial. Extensive agriculture requires extensive use of a land. Intensive agriculture involves using plows, draft animals, irrigation, and fertilizer. This method bring more land under cultivation at one time and produces more yield. Lastly, mechanized industrial is a form of farming that has become organized along industrial lines. This brand of farming in a new age way of producing food and transforms production into a large scale, technology dependent industry.
2. The three modes of exchange are reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange. These modes of exchange are cross-cultural. Reciprocity is the oldest and most historic method of exchange. Reciprocity is alike many egalitarian societies. One example of these

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