
Success In College

Decent Essays

Reformation College is not about the content in the course it is about the tasks at hand from the course. Everyone who goes to college has struggled with the early classes the late-night paper cramming and the finals horror week. College is a tremendous amount of effort and work. According to the article Top Eleven Reasons Why College Students Drop Out: Don’t let it happen to you states that “Attributing to their overall stress, students who graduate high school and go straight into college find that the workload is more than they expected.” (Pivik 1) It’s difficult to go into a university or just any college level classes prepared and ready for all the outrageous tasks. College is not just a walk in the park, it takes self-determination, …show more content…

In the article, Hard work Is the Key to Success it gives a quote “To succeed in life one must endure the challenges life presents and work to overcome these challenges to be the best possible person that one can be.” (Inman 1) This is relevant to needing hard work to succeed because college will throw challenges that are needed to overcome to succeed and the only way to get through it is hard work. In the novel, The Achievement Habit a quote that is relevant to college students “Sometimes things come in a flash. But most of the time the flash is preceded by a lot of hard work and frustration.” I think one of Roth’s morals is to have hard work. As a college professor, he can tell who gives there one-hundred percent effort and who doesn’t. To be in college and to improve yourself hard work is …show more content…

To be able to have self-improvement and reform your habits and the things college students struggle with will benefit in the long run. To reform there is three crucial improvements that are helpful to thrive, self-determination, hard work and focus. In the book The Achievement Habit Roth bring to the surface for college students how to flourish and self-improve. By being self-determined a student will reform the root of an issue. By having hard work a student will overcome challenges and do better in their studies. Then by focusing a student will benefit more so by not wasting time. “The problem with self-improvement is knowing when to quit.” (David Lee Roth

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