
Succession Planning for Multi-Faceted Enterprises and Organizations

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Succession Planning for Multi-Faceted Enterprises and Organizations OM ACKNOWLEDGMENT The journey to this point in my academic career has been a long one, and challenging, however I am successful. A number of people have effortlessly contributed to my success, and I take this opportunity to thank them. First, it is with great honor that I thank my academic adviser………….. He/she took on the obligation of advising me in my post coursework and exam completion, while I was in the university. His/her xxxxxxxxx unrelenting encouragement, mentorship and support were the ultimate motivators. Without her firm, yet caring guidance, I would not have completed this research study. To my friends xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I owe my gratitude. The incalculable lunches, coffee breaks and emails of support helped me work through the writer's block, despair at lack of improvement and eventually gave me the strength to know that I could end the long journey. To all of my other wonderful allies , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnd many others too man to recognize by their names , who gave me encouragement and knew better than to ask when I would be finished, I thank you for your confidence in my ability to complete this paper! To xxxxxx for helping with transcription and proofreading, I am forever grateful! Finally, I owe enormous thank you to my family. To my parents, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for believing in me and encouraging me to pursue my doctoral degree, and to any other person who never lost

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