
Sucuess Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

It is always intresting to look at the varous therories around leadership. Sucuess has a differant deffinition for each person. For me I view sucess in terms of relationships and the investments into them. I found that the five capabilities have merit and that they encourage strong team building. Each capability offers vauble skills that will help us become effective leaders. I am particualry intrested in the first and fourth capabilities. I often hear people talk about how thier job is nothing more than a job or a way to pay the bills. That though has always depressed me a bit. We will spend around one third of our life working so why not spend it doing something we love, are passionate about or gives us meaning. Finding a fufilling career that gives meaning to a person's life becomes a driving factor in sucuess. …show more content…

Employees need to feel that they are supported and have the room to test new things or exsperiment. Leaders should encourage employees to take risks, to admit that they are unsure of an outcome. When leaders allow staff to take risks it send the message that a leader trusts his or her staff. A leader should also teach staff how to determine what risks are worth taking and which ones are not. An open diologe will help staff learn more and understand what risks are

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