
Sugary Drink Research Paper

Decent Essays

With the government’s ban on sugary drinks larger than sixteen ounces in New York City, whether or not the government has been over-exercising its power has become a highly debated topic. The two main opposing positions on this topic are that the ban is beneficial to the overall health of society with the other being that the ban is useless and is seen as an intrusion of people’s freedom.Whether or not one has picked a side to support, it cannot be denied that obesity and other health problems are largely influenced due to excessive consumption of artificial products including soda and other drinks with a high sugar content. On a related topic, there had been a previous ban on trans fat which had been directly linked with artery clogging and high cholesterol. Many people accepted this ban as the government’s decision to remove a life-threatening ingredient although this caused the more controversial subject to arise of whether or not the government should have the capability and power of regulating what we consume. …show more content…

Along with the point that Karen Congro made concerning the ban, “Unless they get the educational portion along with it, they won’t understand why it’s being banned and how it relates to them personally.” Both of these examples tell how the ban, at most, deters people from buying a large amount of a beverage. The ban could potentially work against itself if, for example, someone decided to purchase two sixteen ounce drinks instead of one seventeen ounce

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