
Teen Suicide Case Study Essay

Satisfactory Essays

I enjoyed reading your post and agree with your comment that knowing the population to be served is a key indicator for success. I was particularly impressed in this case study that they recognized the fear their patients might have regarding receiving official mail due to their immigration status (Dlugacz, 2006). This is something I had not considered prior to reading this case.
I thought your ideas for improvement were very insightful, particularly with regard to the number of teen suicides and the number of opioid prescriptions written. I was interested to see how significant these issues are in my state and I am sad to report that according to the Utah department of health (2016), Utah has the 7th highest drug overdose rate in the country, reportedly 80 percent of Heroin users started with prescription pain kills and 6 people die every week in Utah from opioid overdose ( . Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah. Utah ranks in the top ten states in the nation for high suicide rates and suicide is the number one cause of death for youth ages 10-17. This statistic surprised me; I thought the leading cause of death for this age group would be accidents (Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021). I have lived in Utah most of my life and have been in healthcare for over 30 years and I had no idea the magnitude of the problems in my …show more content…

2). Failure to recognize the demographics and challenges of the population being served could lead to missed opportunities for engagement and access to resources for patients.
What do you think are some ways as healthcare providers that we can assess our vulnerable populations? How can we help our patients gain access to

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