You will be graded on the following: • The quality of the summary o Do you have the most important details and events that move the story along? o Do you have a clear topic sentence? • Conventions o Do you have proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar? • Opinion and paraphrasing o Your summary should NOT contain an opinion or direct quotes from the text. Use your own words to summarize. What you may use to help you: • A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park or the article that you chose to summarize • Your reading log that contains the summary for the day • Paper Rater website to check for spelling and conventions
There's many factors that leads to one's survival. A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park is a creative non-fiction story about the life of one of the Lost Boys from South Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War; whose name is Salva. His journey wasn't the easiest in fact he was at risk for dying at any given second. There were multiple factors contributing to his survival, his uncle, determination, and physical resources. Salva's uncle was one of the main factors. He gave Salva the will to go on so he doesn't lose sight of what's important. Traveling across the hot dense desert isn't easy. Given the circumstances survival wasn't likely. But Salva proved that with willpower the toughest challenges can be overcome. While
Suffering is an important theme in A Long Walk To Water. The first example was when Nya was suffering when a big thorn got stuck in her foot on her walk to the pond. Nya was pressing her lips against the pain. This represents suffering because a thorn is sharp and pointy, so if it gets stuck in your foot then it will hurt a lot. Also, on her way back there were more thorns she had to dodge.
A Long Walk To Water by Linda Sue Park shows how a little boy can get through the toughest times because Salva was a little boy who lived in a small village in Southern Sudan was attacked by the Nuer tribe because the village was Dinka. Salva ran with this other group, then they found a barn to sleep in. When Salva woke up he saw that everyone had left him, Salva then saw an old lady that gave him a bag of peanuts, also this lady convinced this other group that Salva would not be hassle to take with them. Salva then makes a friend named Marial and later finds his uncle. They later find them selves in a desert to sleep in. Marial goes missing when everyone wakes up, they think he was killed because there was blood in the spot Marial was sleeping
LInda Sue Park's’ book, A Long Walk To Water, consists of a boy named Salva who lives in Sudan Africa around the time period of 1985. One day while Salva is attending school like any other normal day, the students in Salva’s class hear gunshots right outside their classroom window! Salva’s teacher yells for everyone to duck under their desks. A few moments after they all take cover, Salva’s teacher peeks up from under the desk to see if all of the gun firing had stopped. Salva’s teacher yells for them to run, not to run home but to run far away from home. War has begun and Sudan is not ready.
Suffering is an important theme in A Long Walk to Water. One example of suffering in the book is when Salva had to cross the Akobo dessert, “Salva reached for his gourd. He knew it had to be half full, but suddenly it felt much lighter, as if there was hardly any water left in it.” (58). Salva’s uncle also tells him to stop drinking his water because the will not survive the rest of the walk with only a little bit of water. Salva also sees men dying of thirst and thinks if he was older if he would give his water to the men. A second example of suffering is when Nya’s sister gets sick. Nya’s sister gets sick from dirty water. They have to walk a day just to find a hospital. The lady at the hospital tells Nya’s mom to boil the water,
Survival is a good theme in the book “A Long Walk To Water” because Salva (the male character) has to go through a lot of discomfort, and needs to survive without his family. The first upcoming example of survival is when Salva gets left behind from the group of rebels in the barn, this happened because war came to Salva’s town and killed about everyone, while this was happening Salva was in school and needed to run into the brush where he found the rebels. When Salva gets left behind he doesn’t know what he’s going to do, but when he goes outside he finds a woman sitting on a bench, Salva didn’t know if this woman is Nuer or Dinka for Salva to know this he has to see the scar mark on the woman’s face. The woman
Summarize: Write a summary of the article that represents its argument and concerns as accurately as possible.
Salva’s Challenges: What would you do if you were forced to flee your home because of war? The novel, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park reveals the story of an adolescent boy, Salva Dut, who was separated from his family during the Sudanese Civil War in 1985. Salva walked for years just to find safety and survive the deadly war. During his difficult journey, Slava encountered numerous threats including lack of resources, dangerous wildlife, evil rebels, treacherous terrain, and human isolation and loss. Ultimately, the horrors of Salva's terrifying journey to survival were conveyed in the novel through the extensive miles walking through harsh, threatening terrain and then the frightening, horrifying, loneliness of the separation of family members.
Kobe Bryant once said, “Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise”. This quote is demonstrated in both A Night Divided and A Long Walk to Water as in both books the characters face great challenges that allow them to rise above others. In A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen Gerta and her family are divided by the Berlin Wall. Gerta’s oldest brother, Dominique, and father are in the west and Gerta her other brother, Fritz, and their mother are in the east. They decide to tunnel under the wall to get to the west for a better life and to get back to their family. This is their escape story. In the story, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. Salva is in Sudan and his village is under attack by the rebels. He is separated from his family and must learn to survive the harsh conditions of Sudan to get to peace. The Salva’s family gets divided as and he is by himself. This is his account of his escape to the refugee camps. In both books, A Night divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park the authors use plot sequence to develop the theme, times of hardships and danger develop perseverance.
In Linda Sue Park’s A Long Walk to Water, the characters teach readers that one with hope and persistence will go far in life. Salva and his tribe continue to face the same problems over and over again, like the challenges the war brings, success, or even the loss of close family and friends. Show the readers that each time they succeed is a miracle. The characters actions and opinions towards the struggles they face, makes it clear to the readers what the main idea is in the novel, A Long Walk to Water.
A Long Walk to Water is a novel by Linda Sue Park. This novel is about Salva, an eleven-year -old Sudanese boy who grows up in South Sudan. Later in the novel, he has faced challenges one wouldn’t dream of facing, through a long period of time. He has learned, if one helps other people, those people will then help more people, which will result in more happiness in the world. He is a round character, who changes throughout the novel. Salva is a different person at the end of the book. He has gone from hearing his death journey to fighting for survival to helping transform people’s lives forever.
People find their purpose through struggle. Take Salva Dut from A Long Walk to Water as an example. At the early age of eleven, he was separated from his family during a school shooting, later leading over fifteen hundred young boys across the Southern Sudan desert as teenager. In the documentary On the Way to School, a prime example would be young Jackson Saikong. Every school day, he would have to lead his sister on a nine mile journey, racing past aggressive elephants at only the age of ten. From Linda Sue Park’s A Long Walk to Water to the documentary On the Way to School, many of the characters featured show strong motivation toward their struggle, not wanting for it to be meaningless any longer, thus finding their purpose through their
In the novel A Long Walk To Water by Linda Sue Park, Salva is a non-fictional character that almost died just so he can find his family. He went through many struggles but overcame them in order to survive because of the desire to see his family, leadership, and hard work. The first survival factor that helped him overcome his struggles was the desire to see his family. In the novel the desire helps Salva because his family has been separated from him, so the desire to find his family led him to keep going and to never give up.
Would you be loyal enough to stay by someone’s side, no matter how difficult that became? A Long Walk to Water is focused primarily on Salva Dut’s remarkable life. He was a “lost boy” who came to America after having nothing but empty hope for decades. Throughout his odyssey, Salva displayed a number of positive traits- including bravery, determination, and loyalty. His loyalty really shined through, though. He always stood by his family, his father, and the people of southern Sudan.
The world view of the Navajo who had lived for many centuries on the high Colorado Plateau was one of living in balance with all of nature, as the stewards of their vast homeland which covered parts of four modern states. They had no concept of religion as being something separate from living day to day and prayed to many spirits. It was also a matriarchal society and had no single powerful leader as their pastoral lifestyle living in scattered independent family groups require no such entity. This brought them repeatedly into conflict with Spanish, Mexicans and increasingly by the mid-nineteenth century, Americans as these practices were contrary to their male dominated religiously monolithic societal values. The long standing history