Comparison of age among the study groups There is no significant difference in mean age among the three study groups. The mean age of patients in Group A is 26, Group B is 26, and Group C is 25. So it can be concluded that the three study groups are homogenous in terms of age. (Graph: 1) Study of association among gender and the study groups. Total number of male patients in Group A is 11 Group B is 9 and Group C is 10 and females is 9, 12 and 11 respectively. This shows that the gender was homogenously distributed in the three groups. So it can be well stated that the three groups are homogenous in terms of age and gender after randomization.(graph:2) Comparison of surgical time among the study groups The mean surgical time in Group A patients
Today I spoke with a very outspoken neighbor of mine who was kind enough to participate in my assessment project. Iris L. is her name and she was born in March of 1940, which makes her 76 years old. She has lived in the small town of Archer Lodge, NC since she was born. She has been widowed for over 35 years and has one son who also lives five minutes away. She remains very active within the community but spends a majority of her time with her two grandchildren, ages 9 and 11. She has three sisters who all live within a few minutes of her home. She is active in her church and has lots of community friends that she assist in taking to appointments and says she also enjoys “feeding the shut-ins”. She is retired from a manufacturing job of 35 years but returned to work part-time at Dollar General approximately 8 years ago. She told me “if you don’t keep busy and active, you will go downhill quickly when you retire”.
The different demographic and clinical parameters of the 2 studied groups are shown in table 1.
A total of 59 participants took part in this experiment. They were split into two independent experimental groups, one being the control group, and the other the experimental group. There were 30 participants in the control group, and 29 participants in the experimental group. The male to female ratio was fairly equal with
A hundred patients were extracted from every state by systematic random sampling and cross the age from 20 to 30.
Benjamins and Whitman (2014) were able to conduct a research study in four different communities in the state of Chicago that examined the correlation between disparities or discrimination among racial/ethnic groups and it’s effect on the quality of healthcare and outcomes. The title of the study is the Relationship between discrimination in health care and health outcomes among four race/ethnic groups. Healthcare disparity is one of the major issues that the healthcare system in U.S is facing and the authors of this study stated that although this issue is huge, not many researches have been done on the issue. Benjamins and Whitman (2014) collected the data from the Sinai Improving Community Health Survey. The data was aimed to document the health of six Chicago communities (Benjamins & Whitman, 2014). The data was chosen to reflect major racial/ethnic population in Chicago.
The demographic data of the studied groups showed no statistically significant difference as regards age, sex, ASA physical status and the duration of surgery. Table 1
1. (a) · AHE = 3.32 + 0.45 × Age (0.97) (0.03) The t-statistic is 0.45/0.03 = 13.71, which has a p-value of 0.000, so the
They were 67 participants in study 1 and they were students from the Princeton University subject pool, there was an equal amount of men and women in the study and 1 unknown. Also, 2 of the participants were excluded from the study, 1 because he was already exposed to the experiment material and the other
There were 84 participants in experiment 1 raging from ages 52 to 84, they were recruited through newspaper, porters, and libraries. These participants were then divided into two groups (middle-aged and older adults). In the middle-aged group there were 30 females and 10 males and in the older adults group there were 21 female and 23 males. In experiment 2, there were 71 participants, 30 young adults, 19 older adults, and 22 AD patients. They were between the ages of 17 and 90 and were separated into three groups. The young adults group had 21 females and 9 males, the older adults have 11 females and 8 males, and the AD patients had 16 females and 6 males. The participants went through different types of tests during the study and they were given a certain time to complete them. The researchers collected their data by given the participants a series of questions asking them to writing down certain things that they remembered about the information they had previously given the
Evidence has suggested that social isolation and exclusion have negatively affected healthy aging. Social engagement, on the other hand, had contributed to the positive effect on overall health. This article seeks to explore the role of service providers in establishing and maintaining a supportive social environment that foster engagements and compliment health care intervention towards healthy aging. Walker et al., (2013) explore the process of age-related difficulties that affect social engagement from the perspective of older rural residents and health care provider in Australia and how aging changes in the dynamics on social connectedness. After interviewing different responses from both older residents and the service providers from six
You wish to conduct your own study to determine the proportion of adult males 20 to 34 years
They also established a control which included 80 participants where he identify the age and gender of these individuals. The author discussed the participants were recruited from specialized cerebrovascular hospitals and the control were created from family doctor practice in the same area. The author did not identify any information in regards of incentives paid to the participant. The author did not receive an approval from the IRB; however the U.K. National Health Services ethics committee approved the research completed. The author did superb on the procedure that was utilized to execute the study where I would feel competent with completing this study myself. The author identify the research design that was utilized which was between- group comparisons using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) which was adjusted for premorbid IQ. The author also identified what statistical software package that was utilized SPSS version 19. The authors identified the scale that was utilized, he utilized an alpha level of .001, but he did not identify why. The author also lacked to include any reliability and validity in regards of his method that he used for his research
the sample was 63.4 years and the female to male ratio was 6:5. The mean number of years
For my proposed experiment, 30 participants in total would be needed. These 30 participants will be divided into 3 age subgroups and they are 10-15 years old, 15-20 years old and 20-25 years old. These three age groups represent three significant stages of life: juvenile, teenager and adult. English is their mother language.
If I were to do this experiment again I would collect more data. I would also ensure that there was a greater range of ages. When I was calculating the averages for each level of age, I realized that I did not have enough of each age group. I had received only one piece of data from the ages of six to twelve and only two from the male senior category. Because I only had two senior men and both had a longer amount of seconds, I cannot rely on this data to be entirely accurate. I would collect more than forty subjects and almost equal amounts of each gender and age