
Summary: Contraindications For Ultrasound

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Contraindications for ultrasound must be taken into consideration when treating patients. Over the years, ultrasound has been utilized and at times, used with negligible risk. However, this depends on the part of the body being treated. Therefore, a clinician must take every patient into consideration when administering therapeutic ultrasound. It is also equally important to be cautious of the patients’ safety. There are risks when using ultrasound therapy machines that the patient must be made aware of. These machines can cause substantial bioeffects and deliberate caution must be taken to lower the risk of injury for each individual patient (J Ultrasound Med, 2012, p. 10). This is also true when treating a pregnant woman. An embryonic and fetal when exposed to a situ temperature above 41C (4C above normal temperature) for 5 min or more could be potentially hazardous (International Congress Series 1274 (2004) p. 126) There are a few major instances where ultrasound should be …show more content…

In physical therapy, the modality may seem as a minimal risk procedure when an experienced clinician correlates the risk benefit as being low. When using ultrasound for treating kidney stones, the risks are higher, therefore, the benefit is higher. The treatment is formally known as Lithotripsy, a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to break down kidney stones. Previously, kidney stones were considered a serious medical condition that required surgery. Therefore, the risk of treatment has higher significant loss and longer-term kidney injury can arise (J Ultrasound Med, 2012, p 10). Subsequently, medical procedures are viewed thoroughly to establish and compare of the risk and benefit for each patient. Ultimately, without the information about the risk to the patient, no procedure can take place (International Congress Series 1274, 2004, p.

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