
Summary: Did Grandview Put Dollars Before Diligence

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Did Grandview put Dollars before Diligence? There is a case to be made that Grandview thinks more with their wallets then their brains. There is more than one outlook in all arguments, wether the outlooks are justified in the sence that their arguments are logical, or that their is sufficient enough reasoning behind their decision is an opinion. Decisions are predicated on what one’s sence of right or wrong is, but in order to fully get an understanding of the others point of view, you have to try and put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and look at it as objectively as possible. About a week ago we were dismissed at 12:30 due to bad weather (snow). It was approximately 11:25 when we were given the announcement. It was roughly five minutes later when the snow started comming down, and comming down at a fast rate. At this point every one was excited to be leaving early, so no one was working. We were to report to lunch, then 6th hour, which would be our last. At lunch the snow was starting to pile on to the ground. It was getting bad. Even though we had two unproductive hours left, such as lunch and the last hour, which we sat and did nothing utill the bell rang. When it was time to go the snow had accumulated to about an inch, and was still falling hard. The …show more content…

They had full knowledge that this was not going to be a dusting. The radar had our area pegged for roughly two inches. Their motive was clear to me, and everyone that their intention was to get us past lunch, so they could get paid for a full day. Their is no way you can tell me that leaving immidiately once the snow started was not in the best interest of the students. Waiting another hour after the snow had started to dismiss, was in their best interest. In my eyes, the students safety should be the number one

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