
Summary: Evolution In The Age Of Genomes

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Everyone has their own definition of technology, which comes in many different forms, such as mobile devices or mechanical objects that are used on a daily basis to implicate a submersion of the human brain. What is the true definition of technology? Even though there are many definitions of the word in most dictionaries the term technology is defined as "applications of tools and methods". ( According to, "technology" to one technological tool.” The cybernetics has expanded nationwide at a tremendous rate and has improved non-stop over the last few decades since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The advancement is to the point where electronics such as, computers are easier to use than an old typewriter. …show more content…

In the article Evolution in the Age of Genomes illustrates the moral value in technology and how it revolutionizes our bodies in a moral perspective. “the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism” (google). The article states the following “ The 21st century opened with a huge scientific landmark: the completion of the human genome. By the time this volume appears, scientists will have obtained complete DNA sequences of several hundred organisms, including dozens of other complex animals. This information has provided fascinating new insights into how genomes have changed over billions of years; at the same time, it is answering fundamental questions about human biology by comparing the genes”. (Evolution …show more content…

About 21 percent of human genes have close relatives in all other animals, plants, bacteria, and archaea; these molecules existed in the last common universal ancestor of life on Earth, and may be over 3 billion years old. By the time eukaryotes split off from archaea and bacteria a billion years later, 53 percent of human genes already existed” (Evolution In) . Moral perspective cannot be known as acceptable or unacceptable behavior but in science it can be known for the growing and shrinking of your genomes. “Mutations usually involve changes in single letters of the genetic code, but genomes constantly undergo many more dramatic changes, acquiring and losing large blocks of genes, sometimes even entire chromosomes. Some organisms have lost incredible numbers of genes, shrinking down to a tiny size-direct evidence that evolution does not always make organisms more complex.” Technology has a moral impact on science to help examine our genomes to help us understand our cells and how we are built, it also involves us in society. The legal aspect of technology comes from the article Legal software Thomas Reture like to involve legal aspect of technology on the speed that technology gives off.” Legal software and solutions that give you an edge. “ With

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