
Dogma Trumped Science

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In the first part of this article it explains how dogma has trumped science. Through the couse of this first section it explains the idea of the Bering Strait theory. This is a highly controversal theory that states that Paleoindians walked from Asia over an anciant land bridge about 15,000 years ago. To many people this theory is rock solid but to some it is an insult. There are some breaks in the theory, one being that there is a gap in time that is unaccounted for. Some say that they settled into the land bridge then once again moved, but this is not for certian. There was even a term coined for die-hard archaeologists who insist upon Clovis as representing the earliest culture of North America. They were called the "Clovis Police". The …show more content…

When an ancient skeletin was uncovered durring the breaking down of limestone cliffs and said to be a different species of human, the people of europe were shaken. German scientists rejected the idea, yet other people were open to the idea that there had been another species despite what was said in the bible. This was when the first idea that there had been an ice age began. Soon after Charles Dariwin published his book on the origin of species. This lead to the break in long lasting biblical theories. There were some isses that i was not aware of before reading this artice. One of them being that people would argue over weather or not people migrated from Asia and Europe to North America. I feel that this explains how we made out way over to the Americsas, because the Azteks did not just show up one day. They had to of come from somewhere. This also had an impact on america as we know it today, beause if they had never migrated there would of never been Native Americans in the colonies as they were when columbus arived. Amrica would of been alot different then we know it …show more content…

The field was quickly gaining new interest and experts. The newest undisputed authority in the field was determined to ruin any other scientific evidence. This new expert did however take a big part in clearing up much of the unknown that American paleoanthropology was known for. In the year 1949 the British Museum put to use the new way of testing the age of bones using fluorine. This help to expose a human skull fitted to an ape's jaw. This exposed certian frauds but did set science back in some aspects. Durring an excavation near mississippi many animal bones of extinct animals were discovered, along with the pelvis of a human. The scientific community was shocked. This was extrordanary because the time lines did not match up. When the bones were given the flourine test it showed that all the bones had similar antiquity. Some people soon after this began to question the validity of the test, but to this day people still use flourine to radioactily date new discoveries. This also had a significant impact on the future of paleoanthropology across the world and opened the gateway to numerous other discoveries. Although i was not aware before reading this passage of the issue of people faking finds. I dont think that it is right for someone to fit an ape's jaw onto a human's skull for the sake of fame or money. That act did nothing but set

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