
Summary Of A Case Study: Crockett V. The Green Knight

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Jim Bowie accepted David Crockett’s bid to build a house for $166,000. Having bid a certain amount David Crockett has to keep building the home he is required to even if there was an increase of $15,000 in materials and fuel. Consideration exists in two events if 1.) something of legal value must be given in exchange for the promise, which is a promise to do something that one has no prior legal duty to do and 2.) there must be a bargained for exchange. In this case, rule number one would be applied because Crockett was already required to build a home for $166,00 therefore there is no consideration to pay him the extra $15,000. The preexisting duty rule also states that “a promise to do what one what one already has a legal duty to do does

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