
Summary Of A Place To Stand By Jimmy Santiago Baca

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Incarceration, a program that not only punishes criminals, but changes each individual in a different way. Keep in mind, the transformation doesn’t always have a positive outcome. Jimmy Santiago Baca, author of A Place to Stand, had a very hard time adjusting to the life in prison. After two years of being depressed and sitting in the “hole”, Baca found his affection for poetry that changes his life for the better. Baca states, “I was able to reach out and find a finger hold on the fragile ledge of hope. Hope didn’t support me all the time, and wouldn’t have supported others in quite the same way, but it served well enough for me to slowly pull myself up. Very simply, I learned to read and write.” (Baca 5) During the whole memoir, Baca goes through many aggravating situations, but poetry lets him express his feelings on paper without outside aggression. His poems, “I am Offering This Poem”, “Who Understands Me but Me”, and “Immigrants in Our Own Land” convey multiple messages of character transformation that the author depicts within his prison memoir A Place To Stand. …show more content…

The effects of prison were only worsening his figure. As he sat in “the hole” he realized that his life was pointless and all he could think about was how harshly the guards treat the cons. Baca states, “But it’s no different here. It’s all concentrated. The doctors don’t care, our bodies decay, our mind deteriorate, and we learn nothing of value. Our lives don’t get better, we go down quick.” (“Immigrants in Our Own Land”). The cons in the prison are not looked out for in the prison by anyone except themselves, but Baca looks towards poetry. He is very interested in his family heritage and that is one of the biggest influences on his poetry. Baca realizes that there is a way to take his mind off of the negative aspects of being locked up, and focuses on improving himself as a

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