
Summary Of Avoidant Personality Disorder

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Avoidant personality disorder overlaps with social anxiety disorder in symptoms and have similar characteristics. However, there is a close distinction between the two disorders. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by having excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is characterized by having intense social inhibition and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection. The two disorders are often misappropriated. In this paper, the relationship between avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety disorder is discussed. It is hypothesized that avoidant personality disorder is most closely related to social anxiety disorder than other social disorders and social anxiety disorder …show more content…

In a research article by Hummelen, Wilberg, Pedersen, & Karterud (2007), the severity continuum hypothesis is evaluated. The severity continuum hypothesis derived that SAD is more associated with APD than with other personality disorders, APD is more associated with SAD than with other social phobias, and APD patients should be more depressed and anxious (Hummelen et al., 2007). The investigation consisted of 71% females and a mean age of 35. The final sample was comprised of 2274 patients because some patients had missing diagnostic information.
The results in this study asserts that the severity continuum hypothesis apprehends several differences between avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety disorder, but lacks specificity to account for critical similarities and differences between the two disorders. Present findings confirm the close relationship between avoidant personality disorder and …show more content…

The factor analyses indicate that genetic influences on SAD and APD are not identical, but highly correlated with r=.70 (Torvik et al., 2016). At Wave 1, 31.8% of patients with APD also has SAD, and at Wave, 2 the percentage increased to 54.8% (Torvik et al., 2016). For patients with SAD and also had APD, the co-occurrence is 21.5% at Wave 1 and 22.7% at Wave 2 (Torvik et al., 2016). Environmental factors that is time-specific contribute to the increasing co-occurrence of the SAD and APD over time. The results exemplify how avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety disorder are highly correlated, but have distinct risk factors. During time-invariant situations, genetic factors were most influenced. On the other hand, environmental factors were most influenced during time-specific situations. The differences play a role in determining the effects of the disorders in one’s surrounding. The co-concurrence of patients with SAD and also had APD is lower due to risk factor characteristics and the make-up of SAD, which contains a less extensive range of symptoms. The lack of nonsocial aspects, such as nonsocial fears, may decrease the validity of the disorders, which is a

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