
Summary Of Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress

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The Chinese Revolution was a time of hard and fast change in the country of China, society as citizens knew changed drastically and the lives of millions changed dramatically. Dai Sijie captures this struggle in the story of “Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress”. This story follows the tale of two boys, the Narrator and Luo, who were stripped of their old lives and sent to Phoenix Mountain for “re-education”. Upon living in the mountains the two boys eventually meet a girl referred as the “Little Seamstress”, Luo and the Seamstress hit it off and the tale of their romance is shared throughout this book. For example, in the passage of “Luo’s Story” we are given the view of the Seamstress’s relationship with Luo through Luo’s eyes. The two are enjoying themselves at their own “watery paradise” as Luo puts it, during this passage we learn of Luo’s views about the Seamstress and the importance of the key ring, his personal “talisman” he’s taken with from his old life. During this passage, the importance of Luo’s relationship with the Seamstress reveals Luo’s possessive grasp upon the Seamstress and the hope the Seamstress believes in not only for herself but for Luo. In the first section of “Luo’s Story”, the idea of Luo’s possessive personality takes flight right from the start. Throughout the first section Luo uses a very pompous tone to explain his accomplishments he was able to teach the Seamstress. Luo’s self-righteous tone and mannerisms he expresses about the

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