
Summary Of Barbie-Q By Sandra Cisneros

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The story “Barbie-Q” was written by Sandra Cisneros who grew up with a strong male influence in her family, being the only female in a family of six male kids. She began writing at a young age and became an accredited author in 1978 with a Masters degree in Fine Arts at an Iowa Writers Workshop (Cisneros 339). The story “Barbie-Q” is is a work with a strong emphasis on underprivileged females being overruled by society. Cisneros’ point of the story is to identify that the pressures of females to be in pristine condition and anything less is considered invaluable or worthless.
The work of Cisneros exposes the societal pressures of females in everyday life and the inequitable treatment of those that have a better wealth situation than others. The story starts off with two young girls discussing the dolls they see in the store but knowing not to ask for one. The reason the girls know to not ask for one is because their family can't afford a brand new doll. Specifically one of the girls says, “We have to make do” with the barbies they have now (Cisneros 339). Due to the money issues, the girls feel like they have fewer opportunities in the cultural time period. When they finally can't afford the dolls they arrive at a farmers market where they see a set of dolls for cheap. The dolls were discovered to be damaged physically with a burning down of a warehouse where they were stored. This connects to the constant maltreatment of females in the society in that the ones that are

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