
Summary Of Chapter 15 Of The Color Of Water

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In Chapter 15 (Graduation) of The Color of Water, Ruth reveals how her period of being young was cut short due to falling in prohibited love. Despite all the hostility Ruth is receiving from the outsiders she continues to complete high school. After returning to Suffolk to finish the rest of high school she visited Peter, Ruth’s first boyfriend. Since Peter and Ruth shared a genuinely close relationship she insisted on meeting him. Ruth explains that Peter conveyed he still had feelings for Ruth during their encounter. Although, as Ruth was at work she overheard an unfamiliar person say Peter and another black women were conceiving a child and he was going to wed her due to the accidental pregnancy. In Chapter 16 (Driving) Ruth has a difficult …show more content…

He becomes frightened and seeks God’s comfort. In Chapter 17 (Lost In Harlem), Ruth returns to New York to live with her grandmother Bubeh. While working at her aunt Mary’s factory she suddenly encounter’s James father, Dennis. After refusing her Aunt’s disapproval upon everything; Ruth quits her job and starts to anticipates finding a new job. After searching she starts a new job at a nail salon. Rocky, Ruth’s manager was being awfully kind to Ruth. He even helped her find a place to stay. Although, Ruth didn’t realize Rocky had bad intentions. He wanted her to be his prostitute. After understanding this she abruptly left Rocky and cut off all her connections with him. In Chapter 18 (Lost In Delaware), James soon realizes the family can’t afford living in New York any longer. Due to lacking in sufficient money the family ends up moving to Delaware. James describes how active he becomes there. He finds a job as a gardener and recently get’s very involved with music and band. James soon falls in love with music and is very determined to create a career with it. Working really hard, James get’s accepted to Oberlin university. In Chapter 19 (The Promise) Dennis introduced Ruth to his

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