
Summary Of Charlie Birnir : A Short Story

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15-year-old Charlie Birnir was walking home from school. It was a sunny day and he was feeling good. He loved the walks home because it meant that it would be another 14 hours or so until he would see Roger Sartell. Roger was a big beefy 18-year-old who liked to pick on small freshman, and Charlie especially. Charlie’s dad was a professional boxer, so he wasn’t home much. Charlie had learned some moves from his father. However, he was too lanky to really pull them off. Charlie was taking his time walking, not really in the mood to do his math homework. Daydreaming about getting home to read, he was rudely interrupted when a loud car came screeching around the corner. Charlie didn’t pay much attention to the car until it came rearing to a halt right next to him. He could almost see flames licking at the tires! The driver hopped out. “Oh boy!” It was Roger! “What’s up Charlie chicken!” Roger yelled. It was like a bomb had exploded. “Still too chicken to say anything, Birnir? Look’s like daddy's non-chicken traits didn’t come through.” He laughed. “Non-chicken doesn’t make any sense, Roger,” “Nobody cares, dumb butt! It looks like daddy’s stupidness came through alright, though, and his ugliness. Or maybe that was your other dad’s ugliness! Sorry, your mom’s!” “Shut up about my family!” Charlie was so furious! He had to deal with this kind of stuff from Roger every day! “Oh yeah?” sneered Roger. “Whatcha gonna do about it?” “I’ll, I’ll… I’ll,” Charlie stuttered. “I’ll fight

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