
Summary Of Dear Grads DonT Do What You Love By Carl Muey

Decent Essays

When attending a typical graduation ceremony, it is not unusual to hear people speak to inspire the newest members of the tough labor market. Words of encouragement and loving what you do in life are often the baseline of these graduation speeches. But according to Carl McCoy,author of “Dear Grads, Don’t Do What You Love,” this advice may not be best suited for the occasion. With his own experiences in mind, McCoy explains why he believes these speeches may need a more timeless makeover.
The author opens his essay with the bleak truth that while not all grads leave school with their path paved for them, “many will stay in these "day jobs" for years, waiting for their big break, waiting to be discovered—or simply waiting to find out what exactly it is that they truly love” (466). McCoy goes on to agree that although there is a meaningful message behind “do what you love,” it does not give work any meaning or an endsight. He believes that passion should have an upward arrow bringing us closer to success, “...without such a higher purpose where all this love and ambition can be directed, we don't have a very useful guidepost for meaningful success,” (466) but is this advice accurate? While the idea behind McCoy’s essay is easily understandable, the writing is biased. Our author seems to have had trouble trying to get his passion to bring him success. But what is McCoy’s definition of success? “Then there are those who love things that will never pay very well. As someone who

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