Discuss your reasons for wanting to become a Naval Nurse Officer. (Limit 2500 characters) As a young man entering my senior year of high school, my mind races as I try to figure out what it is that I’ll commit my life to. What will be the driving passion, the purpose of my existence, the reason I get out of bed every morning to face another day of this life? Some people would try to encourage me to choose a career simply for its potential to make me wealthy. However, looking at the degenerate lives of the rich and the famous around the world, its apparent to me that the pursuit of earthly riches alone isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. I’d rather spend my days in pursuit of something more fulfilling. As far as I can tell from my …show more content…
Because I’ve never had to face these destructive parts of the human experience, my heart is broken when I hear that others are forced to live in the midst of these things every day of their lives. Whether in the harsh, crime ridden streets of St. Louis, Camden, and Detroit or in the revolution-era Syria and Egypt, I wish to devote my life to the fight for equality, democracy, and justice. I hope that through my efforts and the efforts of my fellow servicemen and women that more people will be able to grow up with an experience like mine, where they have all that they need. I hope to aid in the creation of a global environment peace and good fortune. Looking back to the scripture when it says “…who love God and are called according to his purpose,” I get the feeling that as an officer in the world’s most powerful navy working for the good of human kind, I’d be fulfilling God’s purpose for me on the Earth. I was taught to believe that God is just in all his ways and that as the lord of the universe he is the ultimate judge who wishes to rid his creation of evil. With that in mind I would gladly dedicate my life to this “global force for good” that wishes to rid this world of tyranny and
Standing at attention, dress blues, crisp and clean, waiting instruction, and following every order given by the drill instructor to the exact point. Giving instruction making sure your platoon is prepared and ready for any situation. That is why I want to be a Marine Corps officer. Being a Marine is one of the greatest career options anyone wanting to join the military will ever make. Ever branch of the military is tough; however, Marines are just a little bit tougher. Being a Marine lets you walk around with a certain swagger, you know that you are one of the bests that why you joined the few and the proud. Being able to give instruction over other Marines means you are just that much more responsible, respectful
More often than not, young students are taught to believe that they must go to a prestigious university to obtain a Bachelor’s degree or higher in order to have a fulfilling and satisfying career. This may hold true for some people, but others do not need to follow this same path. For students who choose a career that isn’t considered conventional or isn’t high in pay, they tend to be looked down upon which pressures them into choosing career paths that they do not have a passion for, or the skill set to actually accomplish which makes college a waste of time and money. While everyone should be encouraged to get an education beyond high school, people should be encouraged to get the education that is relevant and proper for them to make sure they are getting their money’s worth.
Many have experienced an encounter as a young child where they are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Answering that question may be easy as a kid because your mind is filled with thoughts of being the unimaginable. As you grow much older, those ideas begin to depart from the mind and you are suddenly more aware of what is and what is not possible in this world. When beginning the most important years of high school, you stop and rethink your career choice numerous times, stressing on who and what you want to be. Many adults such as teachers, counselors, and parents will emphasize the importance of knowing where you want to be in the future during high school, sometimes even middle school. It became imperative that one chose their
Since its formation during the early years of our nation the United States Navy has always stood out among other militaries, playing a vital role in the protection of our own country as well as the rest of the world. Founded upon the core values of honor, courage, and commitment the Navy has continued to uphold its men and women to exceptionally high moral, mental, and physical standards for nearly 240 years. It is my favorite branch of the military and becoming an officer in it has been a goal of mine for a long time.
I want to attend the United States Naval Academy for a variety of reasons, but my primary motivation is that I want to serve as an officer in the United States Navy.
I am auditioning to be an officer because I believe I can make Company a great experience for everyone on it and be a strong leader and representative of Cottonwood Dance. I think that having a strong leader is fundamental to the success of a group. My physics teacher, Ms. Richey, is someone I look up to as a leader; she makes class fun and engages us while still clearly getting the information across. She is also very confident in her abilities and will straight up shut you down (kindly) if you are trying to make up a physics scenario that is not possible. She is so intelligent yet fun that I aspire to be like her when I have to be a leader. I believe I am qualified to be an officer this year because I have had a couple of different
Leadership is not a simple, static concept. It does not form overnight. Instead, it develops alongside experiences which form a person’s character. It is as dynamic as the events that shape our lives. My life experiences equip me with the knowledge to form my own leadership philosophy. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I ensure my subordinates understand my philosophy. I ensure they understand what I expect of them. The basis of my leadership philosophy is promoting self-development, serving others, being proactive, and being an example of effective leadership.
Nine years ago, I never could have imagined I’d be writing this essay. I was a senior in high school, and, like the rest of my classmates, I was apprehensive about the future. Unlike my classmates, I felt like I had missed the proverbial “you need to get your life together” message. I watched my classmates apply to colleges, their majors already decided and their future careers mapped out. While I was an above average student, I felt I lacked the decisiveness my classmates seemed to have. I did not feel passionate about a career or even a field of study. I felt defective. This was compounded by the financial strain I knew attending college would have on my family. It seemed wasteful to try to “find my passion” at school while squandering
I have been surveying my options regarding my present and future career plan. As I consider various paths, one option remains outstanding and seems to fit my personality and my skill set to a tee. This option is that of the possible advancement within my region, as I hope to become promoted to a noncommissioned officer. The following essay will summarize the reasons as to what I believe makes a good noncommissioned officer, why I fit these criterion and for which reasons I wish to become an NCO.
“I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile” (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be a
Dale Carnegie, an American lecturer on self-improvement, wrote, “Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” My most examined memory is of my father complaining about his job, a cyclical unpleasantry. He became a physical therapist not out of passion, but by reason of a pleasing salary and stability. As it is now time for me to select an occupation, numerous elders have suggested careers such as pharmacists, radiologists, and drug researchers; an ‘oh they earn nice money’ follow the unwarranted suggestions. Despite the “allure” of wealth, I find safe jobs incredibly mundane. As people grow older, we extinguish our flaming passion for various reasons: family, money, security,
Seeing my brother and sister having a good high paying job, living happy life, makes me realize what have I done with my life? Today, My topic For my I-search paper is what I want as a career and what do I have to do in order to get there. I didn’t know what major I was interested in when I first attended college. But before I know it next few years will quickly arrive. It is true, time really does fly; soon we will be the real world, living our lives, trying to make the best out of life. I know it is a long a process to have a good life, but in order to have it we have to make the right choices, be able to work and make the big bucks. Although people say that money is not the key for life and I agree for now, but it helps. Living in our competitive world, life is all about work, unless you have rich parents who can provide you what you need. Otherwise, yes money is the key. For me, finding a good, well paying job is very
The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. Ever since I was a young boy, I saw greatness in the United States Army and hoped to one day be a part of it. I always envisioned myself in a leadership position and when I decided to join the Army, I knew being an officer was for me. To me, being an officer in the U.S. Army is a career unlike any other. There are many opportunities as an officer in the Army to advance, further education, and grow as a person. The army allows you to switch your MOS and attend more training to further education or to change careers completely which is something
The career is chose is nursing, I chose this career because I love helping people, I am avid about making sure people are getting everything they need, making sure they get all of their medication so they can get better and can live a healthy life, Being a nurse you will record patients medical history and symptoms, administer patients’ medicines and treatments, operate and monitor medical equipment, explain what they do when going home. It is important to understand the education or training requirements, skills, talents needed salary and benefits offered and the duties for particular career when making this decision, with my help they could burgeon and get better.
Reality, not fantasy, affects life choices such as occupations and college majors greatly. When looking at potential career opportunities, we look at the probable salaries of each, making occupations like physicians, industrial engineers, or computer science engineers more appealing. Salaries can determine our lifestyles and what we can afford, leading to the belief that money buys happiness. When we were younger, we often sought to become the president, the first human on Mars, a world renowned athlete, or even a stellar performer, but reality prevails yet again by diminishing the role of fantasies and dreams on how we achieve goals and what we strive for as it forces us to conform to our