
Summary Of Finland's School Success By Anu Partanen

Decent Essays

"Text Analysis on Finland's School Success By: Anu Partanen"
What makes Finland's schools so great? Why does American school's need improvement? How can Americans improve their school's? Anu Partanen tells us all about it in her essay "Finland's School Success What Americans keep ignoring." I find her essay very interesting being a mother of 4. I myself agree with her essay, I see how us Americans can make our schools better. She has done amazing research on Finland VS American schools. She points out that, Finland school systems are much better than American school systems.
How are Finland's school's so successful? Finland's school systems actually treat children like children. They have less homework and more creative play. Finland has …show more content…

Our children need to be treated Equal nothing should separate them. All children should be able to get the same education. No private schools, competition with other schools, standardized testing. Teachers should be reviewed and tested better and get better pay. Our school system needs to be more about equity. Students in America should be treated more like children. Have more play time, less homework and test. American children should never feel like they have to compete with one another. Money should never make one child education more important than the other. As a parent I feel my child deserves the best education. I shouldn’t have to pay 35,000 a year for my child to have a good education. My children should be able to get a great education in any public school. I should know that when my child walks into any public school that teachers have been well trained and have the proper education to teach my child. How can our students in America feel equal? So many school choices, competition and testing. How can a student learn if they are always worried about homework or a test? No child should ever be stressed out over school. Learning should be a fun experience, not

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