
Summary Of Jerry Spinelli's Staying In My Yo-Yo String

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In the chapter, “Staying In The Lines”, from the autobiography “Knots In My Yo-Yo String” by Jerry Spinelli, the author describes his neatness as a boy. In the chapter, Jerry Spinelli gives many examples of how he strove to be perfect in his childhood and how it influenced him as he matured. To begin with, Jerry was neat in ways by his precise cutting. In the first paragraph on page 94, the paragraph is describing how jerry cut. He would measure the line with a ruler, draw it over with a pencil and then he would cut out his shape. This shows Jerry was neat because he didn’t want his cutting to be sloppy, he wanted it well put together. Another reason why Jerry was neat is, on page 95 when he was saying how he used colored pencils instead of crayons. He said, “... the frequently sharp points never ‘strayed out of the lines’.” This also shows he was neat because a crayon is a thick piece of colorful wax that is rubbed on a paper to make the color stand out. It is also a lot thicker than a colored pencil. This means that he prefers a colored pencil because the tip never goes out of the line …show more content…

Like his locker, on page 95. One day his homeroom teacher announced that the classes lockers were going to be reviewed for neatness. “Since I kept my locker neat at all times, there was nothing for me to tidy up.” The homeroom teacher put names on the blackboard for all the lockers who failed to pass muster. “Shockingly, my name was among them.” This shows that Jerry didn’t even bother to check to make sure his locker was neat because he knew how neat he was already that he didn’t have to just take a quick look to see if it was still neat. Another time Jerry was attempting to be neat is when he said on page 95, “Give me a direction, I followed it. Put a rule in front of me, I obeyed it.” This shows he was neat because he wanted to be perfect, never get in trouble, do what he was supposed to. He was being different in a good

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