
Summary Of Lawrence Keppie's Making Of The Roman Army

Decent Essays

Since there have been hundreds of movies and books on the Roman Empire, Lawrence Keppie starts out his introduction in The Making of the Roman Army: From Republic to Empire by stating the questions, “Not another book on the Roman Army? Can there be anything new to say?” (11). But then he goes on to explain how he will go into detail on the origins of the Roman Army, how the empire grew to be the superpower that it was, and the importance in the military during this reign. The army started out with a little militia defending a village on the Tiber River and, with the help from various brilliant leaders, developed into a dominant army. Many people are fascinated about how the society of Rome was so unified and powerful. Keppie describes how this all started with a strong military and identifies the growth of the army, along with its traditions and emerging institutions. The book shows how Rome was an impressive empire that has greatly influenced our world today, with their ideas on warfare, language, and advances in technology. Keppie proves the use of the military is necessary in the formation of an empire. …show more content…

He noticed a shortage of books on the army between the Republic and Empire, sparking his idea to write The Making of the Roman Army: From Republic to Empire. Lawrence Keppie is a retired Professor of Roman History and Archaeology at the University of Glasgow. He also was a Senior Curator of Archaeology, History and Ethnography at the Hungarian Museum in Glasgow until 2003. He is now an Emeritus Professor of Roman History and

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