
Summary Of No Limit Story Telling By William L. Cooper

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"Who is your role model? The person you look up to or the person who guided you to be where you are today?" Were the first words spoken by William L. Cooper during his speech, No Limit Story Telling. Cooper spoke during the Schuneman Symposiums about the magazine company he works for called Vice Magazine. He spoke about his troubles after school and trying to find himself in life. "If it wasn't for Gary Kirksey I wouldn't be where I am today, I appreciate him so much in finding my true path in life," Cooper said. Cooper's speech was very powerful and self-related to the audience. He wanted everyone to know (being a former graduate of Ohio University) that he too had been in our shoes. Wondering where life was going to take him and what was …show more content…

His attention getter was very relevant to the audience. The video was about the magazine company he works for (Vice Magazine) which is aimed toward young adults all over the world. The video was very upbeat with many vibrant colors that made it grab the attention of the audience member as well as myself. Which I also believe was Cooper`s main object from the start. Cooper also did an excellent job at introducing his speech to the audience members. As well as being very passionate about his topic. He certainly loves his job and Vice Magazine. Quoting from the book "you are in the unique position to speak about something you should know and care about" (COMS 1030 Pg. 18). Which is exactly what Cooper was doing, he was speaking about something he knows and cares about. The purpose of this speech was to inform the audience about vice magazine and what they are doing. Although, there was no persuasion in his speech to want the audience to buy the magazine many members of the audience might have been persuaded to because of the things they saw in the video and various other examples shown in the

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